Gay bars philadelphia

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The Philadelphia Pride Flag, featuring black and brown stripes, highlights black and brown LGBTQ+ members of the community and is displayed on businesses and homes throughout the city, particularly in the Gayborhood. A historical marker honoring PGN’s history and contributions to the LGBTQ+ community can be found outside of the publication’s first office at 233 S. Philadelphia Gay News – Founded in 1976, Philadelphia Gay News (PGN) is one of the most awarded weekly newspapers in the U.S. The William Way LGBT Community Center – Began as the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Philadelphia in 1974 to support and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. She worked to eradicate the classification of homosexuality as mental illness.

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Philly AIDS Thrift Giovanni’s Room – The country’s first and oldest LGBT-focused book store.īarbara Gittings Gay & Lesbian Collection at the Free Library of Philadelphia – The “mother of the LGBTQ+ movement,” Barbara Gittings, spent most of her life in Philadelphia and edited the nation’s first lesbian publication.

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Philadelphia is home to gay pride events as well as numerous historical and culturally significant sites, including: Pride and Progress © 2002 City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program / Ann Northrup, 1315 Spruce Street.

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