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Related: 13 Reasons Why Season 4 Ending & 's Death Explainedġ3 Reasons Why's increasing backlash and criticism over the years led to the deletion of the scene where Hannah takes her life. Divided into seven tapes, both sides of each corresponded to a specific person and a specific event. As he begins to listen to them, he realizes that they function as an audio suicide note. With the town still mourning the tragedy, Clay receives a set of cassette tapes on his doorstep. Like the book, the show appeared to tell a self-contained story of Hannah Baker - exploring the lead-up to and direct aftermath of her suicide. Originally, however, 13 Reasons Why was based on the book of the same name by Jay Asher. The forthcoming changes in their lives, however, were made all the tenser by the secret that they'd covered up: the truth of who really murdered Bryce Walker. Starring Dylan Minnette as Clay Jensen, 13 Reasons Why season 4 followed him and his friends as they prepared for graduation from Liberty High. The young adult series concluded its fourth and final season in early June 2020.

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Netflix's 13 Reasons Whyinitially told the story of Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford) and the titular 13 reasons she chose to take her own life – here’s what they all were.

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